Tags : Foreign

Our Journey

Our Journey

A Poem by Rana Adalwolfa Simon

A reflective piece while staring at one of the decorative photos from our reception.
The Journal of Miriam Kid, Section 1

The Journal of Miriam Kid, Section 1

A Story by Grace

A selection of journal entries from a young girl foreign to earth. What would it be like to go to a new planet? What if we weren't accustomed to Earth..
Hunting Napkins in E-Minor

Hunting Napkins in E-Minor

A Story by Gaston Villanueva

Glorifying the ordinary
The Purple Eye

The Purple Eye

A Book by Kiins

We follow Kyle Porter, a young adult entering the big world by entering an extremely influential newspaper belonging to his father. He discovers secre..
Prologue - Hello World- B***h on the Beach

Prologue - Hello World- B***h on the Beach

A Chapter by Kiins

This is the beginning of my book, The Purple Eye. I am currently writing it but apparently I should let more people see it so here it is !
My New Friend

My New Friend

A Poem by poetindenim

A poem about friends friendship and the acceptance of others who are different than we are.


A Poem by Laura Kate

Welcome to the monsoon
I am a Human

I am a Human

A Story by Nam

It is a narrative fiction based on a true incident witnessed on Racism, which many People face in their day to day lives living Abroad.
Alien Nation

Alien Nation

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Alien Nationby Michael R. Burchfor J. S. S., a "Christian" poetOn a lonely outpost on Marsthe astronaut practices “speech”as alien to prim..


A Poem by Laura Kate

Speckles lifttheir peace disturbed by the oars of foreign rangersswirling and thensettling to their bedsas above they wade through their rivers. C..
Curiouser and Curiouser

Curiouser and Curiouser

A Poem by Dripping Chocolate Madnes..

I still don't fully understand, to be honest.
"He Ain't Heavy"

"He Ain't Heavy"

A Poem by Leo French

Moments serving in the Vietnam struggle which included American soldiers.
Traveler-Erotica [Belfast-Brigade]

Traveler-Erotica [Belfast-Brigade]

A Story by Abishai100

Amlan Satan is a gov't-operations dropout who moves to N.Ireland to create a cyber-dream project about vitality-therapy.

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