Tags : Empire

A New Flame

A New Flame

A Poem by Pratikshya Mishra

About rediscovering self, and changing the perspective towards viewing life... Dreaming new dreams.
Crimson Tide

Crimson Tide

A Poem by Justin Fearn

11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month - lest we forget!
Urination, don't take it for granted

Urination, don't take it for granted

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Dick Burton examining Liz Taylor's rectal sphincter for blood. That's love. Sexual love. Pornographic, anthropological, primate love. ..
America the seeing-eye dog

America the seeing-eye dog

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Policy or personalquestions? In the poem Two White Winesa child adopted from Cambodiais a thing of beauty, and so she isas she showed herself to be ye..
At Basketball

At Basketball

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Basketball stands for war or battle.That's why I think about the players'personalities, in my foxhole or squad.Danny and Ben are fast and smart. Danes..


A Poem by Robert Ronnow

I like immigrants, immigration. Legal immigration,Jane passionately corrects. Actually my goal is a borderless world.That's a new idea to her.Gatherin..
Marines Call to Say Hello

Marines Call to Say Hello

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Marines call to say hello,impress. I'm over 35 but my boys19. They could go: Hide!One moment spent tying a shoe,another dying, gunshot wound or poison..
World Order

World Order

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Financiers feel superior to farmersand pundits have it over poets.All to the good because if you think America'sdoing just fine, don't skip to the poe..
Starlight Fables

Starlight Fables

A Story by Benjamin Seeberger

Sort of a beginning of a new kind of mythos. We'll see where it goes. A very slow project. Expansive world, hundreds of characters already developed, ..
Rise to the Empire

Rise to the Empire

A Book by KatelynG

A princess struggles learning how to rule a country and managing her heart.
The flames

The flames

A Poem by Johanna

A song I wrote inspired by the radio again..


A Story by Peter Rogerson

A new take on an old story and proof, if proof were needed, that a man should be honest about him imperfections...
The Maiden

The Maiden

A Story by Bobby W

The public square in the city of Gemini on the 60th day of the year.