Tags : Elephant

Let The Hunt Begin

Let The Hunt Begin

A Story by Earl Schumacker

Elephant hunting is a serious matter. It must be taken seriously. I'm serious!
Never Trust a Crow

Never Trust a Crow

A Story by rklapka

A short, fairy tale type story


A Poem by Chara

Sad is such an ugly word Depressing is even more uglier For me, the word sad should be redacted It shouldn’t even be uttered In parties and..
The African Tale

The African Tale

A Story by Travis Archer

Set in the empty plains of Africa, a male lion finds his childhood friend, an elephant who lost his memory and together they must face natural disaste..
Haiku - Wildlife

Haiku - Wildlife

A Poem by JE Falcon

Haiku involving wildlife.
Elephant dust

Elephant dust

A Poem by The Unknown Sith

" ashes to ashes, dust to dust..."

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