Tags : Defeat



A Poem by Tanisha

The battle I have with self confidence everyday because of my childhood.
The Secret Life and Desires of a Doormat

The Secret Life and Desires of a Doormat

A Poem by J.V. Stanley

Read between the lines
Victory at long last..

Victory at long last..

A Poem by Winslow Des Totes

It being election day and all.
Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

I’d noticed the girl a dozen times As she passed me on the street, All I could see were those red-rimmed eyes And that look of ..


A Poem by thenakedverse

Drifted like to sea, your thoughts and dreams. And left behind no swollen space of air. An open eye will see what only seems And strain to m..
On the Lam

On the Lam

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

‘I’m going away today,’ he said, ‘I’m going away for good!’ We looked at his suitcase, neatly packed,..
A Letter to and from Anonymous

A Letter to and from Anonymous

A Story by fiery-san

Read it. It's from someone who knows you very well.
The Passing Train

The Passing Train

A Story by Kajal Gulabani

It is about the times when Rhea was in her late teens. School days had bid her a memorable farewell. In the gush of over- piled strategies for a full ..
The Game

The Game

A Poem by fiery-san

From the eyes of rulers, it is nothing but a mere game with assorted pieces
I Give Up

I Give Up

A Poem by TogetherAgain

There is no more innocence.Everything isfuckinglost.Forget trying. We just trymore and more and morefor more painand more problems.Where is the beauty..
The End

The End

A Poem by DarkRainbowPie

This poem describes a person's last moments before ending their life.