Tags : Daydream

Dream World 1

Dream World 1

A Story by Lucy Hatfield

First description of a daydream world.
Distinction in the Details

Distinction in the Details

A Poem by StarlaFireDelta

Distinction in Details I can write whatever I want Can muse myself in daydream on end, to the end Can wander too far with not one to tell me ..


A Poem by papermush08

because I stared at pages of book today
Lost In A Daydream

Lost In A Daydream

A Poem by Audrey Bowers

How I walk andthe way I talkit's kind of funnylike the ticking of a clockWhat I dream andthe things I perceiveare they real?or are they not?A walk in ..
Mid-Day Thoughts

Mid-Day Thoughts

A Poem by Mogan Horse

If eyes are windows to the soul,Are eyelids the shutters?How come if there are butterflies in your stomachIt is your heart that flutters?
Red Hair

Red Hair

A Story by foxfly_grace

Just a little writing I did when thinking about a girl I liked at a time.


A Chapter by Kristy Young

Katie daydreams about Miguel during Math class.
8. alwaysland

8. alwaysland

A Chapter by Jordan Williams

we think it a wise investmentfor the future to stay in the presentyou should be more practicalnot so concerned with things magicalyou should make some..
Flying Free

Flying Free

A Story by The Violent Wolf

a short story I wrote for school


A Poem by Tena Luvs

A quick read for the soul
My Mind, sometimes

My Mind, sometimes

A Poem by Cassandra Renee Willey

This is me, this is who I tend to be at times. Hard to explain out loud so I took the time to write it. Its a little confusing, and maybe I'm a little..


A Poem by Lola

My imagination is so important, i'm afraid of who i'd be without it.
Maladaptive Daydreamer

Maladaptive Daydreamer

A Poem by gabiaimee

A Fool's Daydream

A Fool's Daydream

A Poem by Walczak

A poem.


A Poem by Siobhán Kiernan

Those sweet notes melting away all my negativity. The tune causing me to drift away from tears. The lyrics giving me inspiration to pick myself up. ..


A Poem by B

Wandering with mysticism and wonder,unbound, indefinite, and yet - hopeful.Ever changing;a creek after the rains,a fog among the wood,a branch in the ..