Tags : Cheater

I'm getting divorced

I'm getting divorced

A Story by California Dad

A man writes about getting divorced, and the situation leading up to the realization that his marriage is over.
My Addiction

My Addiction

A Poem by Bliss.x

It hurts Hurts so bad Knowing he's thinking of someone else Knowing he's taking her to bed And entertaining her Giving her all he's got Making ..
Harsh Reality

Harsh Reality

A Poem by yellownestle

Break up, Cheating, Depression, Pain, suffering. surviving. living, a letter that will never be sent.
Maybe a Second Chance Isn't Bad

Maybe a Second Chance Isn't Bad

A Story by Bri

Nicole was a sweet natured country girl, growing up riding horses. She married a handsome young man only for him to cheat on her two years later. She ..
Deceiver's Downfall

Deceiver's Downfall

A Poem by VertoAtrum

Recents events....
Cheating In The Old West

Cheating In The Old West

A Poem by Randy Johnson



A Poem by Nashville Rose

"Is it my test your looking at or is it me?" A small poem about highschool love.
The Broken Vow

The Broken Vow

A Poem by Jessalynn

Poem about a newlywed woman who's spouse broke thier marital vows and was unfaithful..


A Chapter by Kaity Fisher

I’m done tryingTo fit your expectations.I’ve completely changed myselfTo be the person you wanted me to be.Hypocritical liar,Why did you d..


A Poem by Shawn Hatfield

"Summer" was featured and published by Indolent Books in Nov '15 here: http://www.hivhereandnow.com/poems/poem-173-%C2%B1-november-22-2015/
Bottom of the Sea

Bottom of the Sea

A Poem by Zoe Taschereau

A poem about a one sided Relationship.
Me and His Heart

Me and His Heart

A Story by Angels heart

Never cheat or this just might happen>:]


A Poem by Terrence Chang

Between the thousand daysAnd one bright moonThere was a blunderThat kept my relationship on the lineDull of me to put you in jeopardyAs dim lights wer..
As The Cycle Ends

As The Cycle Ends

A Poem by VertoAtrum

About a breakup im currently going through, where the majority of the problems were my doing.
326 of 365

326 of 365

A Story by Just Jess

We belonged to others, in different ways, but none the less not each others. No indication, no intention of having one another.
Intimacy Imagined

Intimacy Imagined

A Poem by ryan



A Story by warning

a little of background detail. not a lot. they do not have names, they are "he" "she" and "I"


A Poem by Anonymous Angel

A short writing of a girl who's heart was left behind.