A Thousand Companions

A Thousand Companions

A Poem by Radad Ibn Nasir

As long as there is life there is company.
Just a Heated Debate.

Just a Heated Debate.

A Poem by Sam

When the world is done I shall rise above the stem of self-assurance..I am my own god in my own will, I rise to the first age of deception,I stand int..
My Punishment.

My Punishment.

A Poem by Sam

The human brain can have a lot of thoughts going through his/her head. This is about a man with emotions running through him in under the seconds it t..
Time To Spare

Time To Spare

A Poem by tekphobik

I kill seconds by the hour.
Letter 3: What Is It That We Are Looking At

Letter 3: What Is It That We Are Looking At

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

In my previous letter, I stated that I believe that prejudice between science and religion is the main thing..
Note: Huddle!

Note: Huddle!

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

I write this as more of a note than a letter, so forgive me, but I must cover one more thing regarding truth..
Letter 4: Let's Wrap It Up and Switch Gears

Letter 4: Let's Wrap It Up and Switch Gears

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

I presented in previous letters that matter is not made of anything solid or tangible but is rather comprise..
Mother of All

Mother of All

A Poem by Easter3

Ode ot the Mothers of the World.
Letter 5: Let's Bring God Into The Picture

Letter 5: Let's Bring God Into The Picture

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

So far in these letters, I’ve only covered one of life’s big questions: What is matter made of? T..
Letter 6: What if God Really Does Exist?

Letter 6: What if God Really Does Exist?

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

In the last letter, I addressed the question “What is matte..
Letter 7: Hey Joe!

Letter 7: Hey Joe!

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

I don’t think I’m a bad person, but I certainly would not consider myself a righteous one either..
Letter 8: Let's Tackle A Few Theories First

Letter 8: Let's Tackle A Few Theories First

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

In the previous letter, I shared what I learned when I questioned God about his making of the Earth. He told..
Letter 9: We've Reached a Pivot Point

Letter 9: We've Reached a Pivot Point

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

In the previous letter, I stated that I would analyze the major theories of science against the Matrix Theor..
Letter 10: Who Is God?

Letter 10: Who Is God?

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

I ended the previous letter by stating that the root of the argument between science and religion is not rea..
Letter 11: Frolicking Around

Letter 11: Frolicking Around

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

In the previous letter, I began expanding on the assumptions of the Matrix Theory and declared that there is..
if you were methodless, you'd be mad

if you were methodless, you'd be mad

A Poem by freelancejouster

arms flying in a frenzy,paint splattering where it may,a scream and a crygarble togetherand mingle and mix freely,a glint of something... questionable..
Letter 12: The Key Principle

Letter 12: The Key Principle

A Chapter by The Joshua Letters

Who we really are...
Perpetuum Mobile

Perpetuum Mobile

A Poem by Igor G. Balatsky

Create your own universe with a single at least galaxy - just for the hell of it. Well, forget of the galaxy, buddy! Light up at least..