Tags %23POETRY
A Bitter Remix XIA Poem by JutonA Social Commentary Prose Poem |
2014 New Year's Plague: A Sequence of PoetryA Poem by JutonA Poetic New Years Social Prose Commentary |
2014 New Years Nerd Infest: PlagueA Poem by JutonA Nerdy unto Geek New Poetic Years Social Prose Commentary |
A Bitter Remix XIIIA Poem by JutonA Poetically infused Social Prose Commentary |
Hive Minded XxxXA Poem by JutonA Social Prose Commentary Poem |
Hive Minded XxxX IA Poem by JutonA Social Prose Commentary Poem |
A Bitter Remix XIVA Poem by JutonA Social Prose Commentary Poem |
Villainous Times: Intro Guardian WingsA Poem by JutonA Social Prose Commentary Opening to Poetry. |
knees creaking - a haikuA Poem by Joyce S. Greenea haiku about early frost and aging |
A Bitter Remix XI (Lost Girl I)A Poem by JutonA Sad Social Prose Poetic Commentary |
Spoken Word University Alpha TestA Poem by JutonA Social for fun prose commentary poem. |
Hive Minded XxxX IIA Poem by JutonA Social Prose Commentary Poem |
Hive Mind XxxX IIIA Poem by JutonA Social Prose Commentary Poem |
Hive Mind XxxX IVA Poem by JutonA Social Prose Media Poem |
Hive Mind XxxX VIIIA Poem by JutonA Social Prose Commentary Poem: Spoken Word |
War's Synonym: Profit IA Poem by JutonA Social Prose Commentary Poem: Spoken Word |
Malefic Condescension IA Poem by JutonA Social Prose Commentary Poem, Spoken Word. |
Malefic Condescension IA Poem by JutonA Social Prose Commentary Poem, Written Spoken Word |
The Bowl of FruitA Poem by Samuel BrownVery little is to be said about a fruit painter. He stares at me, and I glare back. He’s looking harder now just w.. |
Dial ToneA Poem by Samuel BrownShe clutches the wall, Slowly sinking To the floor. Her wide eyes stare across the room as the phone delicately Falls from her ha.. |