Tags : Church

Then why….

Then why….

A Poem by Noyb

I’m supposed to drink water then why is there coffee Im supposed to exercise then why are there plastic surgeons I’m supposed to sle..


A Poem by Maria Morisot

A key to my heart, for you have allowed me entrance into yours. The Summer's dandelions are in full bloom here, and the spine of your book, un..
An Eagle, Crying Out

An Eagle, Crying Out

A Poem by Lucretia Meerim Chosen On..

The wall between Christians,and The Holy Father;will come down crashing.It was build out of apostasies,and the heretical influence,of a nation who suc..
The Church & Science: Get All the Facts

The Church & Science: Get All the Facts

A Book by archaeologist55

A look at how the church and science can be integrated but it is not how you think
Empty Seats

Empty Seats

A Poem by Jeff Bresee

Take a church full of sinners ...
Prayer Of The Modern Day Pharisee

Prayer Of The Modern Day Pharisee

A Poem by Jeff Bresee

Oh praise be that I’m not as other men are...
Church Visitor

Church Visitor

A Poem by PoetBee

Clandestine sin doesn't exist! God knows when I'm below His standards. Now, with irony, I sit amongst sinners in a holy church where I pray ..
15. A Sacred Kiss

15. A Sacred Kiss

A Chapter by Peter Rogerson

Even clergymen deserve a break sometimes
18. Bilocation

18. Bilocation

A Chapter by Peter Rogerson

A vicar has his moment of lust cut very short...
The Harvest Ingathering

The Harvest Ingathering

A Story by Poet Pittinix

This is a joke.
Act of God

Act of God

A Story by Chrissie Muldoon

A fable about faith in crisis.


A Story by S. G. Keller

In which the speaker's closely-maintained persona of strength crumbles in the presence of simple affection.

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