Tags : frustration

Web Journal Of Red Pill Coyote - January 17, 2023

Web Journal Of Red Pill Coyote - January 17, 2023

A Story by Red Pill Coyote

I met so many stupid mother fuckers in 2022 that 2020 is looking platinum in comparison. 2020 at least had some sentimental toast gliding like flying ..


A Poem by Panhead Rod

A poem reflecting my frustration of the new worlds technologies...
Where The Problem Lies

Where The Problem Lies

A Poem by Jeff Bresee

...damn it, love is blind!
The Man I Used To Be

The Man I Used To Be

A Poem by Jeff Bresee

if he only knew...
Tired Eyes

Tired Eyes

A Poem by Jeff Bresee

Like a weight full of lead...
Soul's Exasperation © 2019

Soul's Exasperation © 2019

A Poem by Panhead Rod

This poem reflects frustration about life's demands and a longing for escape...
I Can't Stop Wooing You

I Can't Stop Wooing You

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

Love and blues.
Solo Dance

Solo Dance

A Poem by Noteworthy

A poem about longing for sexual connection

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