Tags : Hate

War, Death and Destruction

War, Death and Destruction

A Poem by Zombified Spider

a collaboration with the wonderful The_Ancient_Rock
Crabs in a Bucket

Crabs in a Bucket

A Poem by Laz K.

Hate is on the rise it seems: nation against nation, nation against self, races, genders, generations screaming at one another.
In Memoriam

In Memoriam

A Poem by Asher

In Memoriam Dear Mr. Killer, Today I thought I saw you. I was walking down the high school’s hall on a tour and saw the table where ..
Dear Mr. Killer

Dear Mr. Killer

A Poem by Asher

A letter to a past friend


A Poem by Thinking Anonymously

What is it about me? That screams "Bit on the side"? Can I never be enough To persuade you to Take another bite And not leave me Half eaten A..
Dust in the wind

Dust in the wind

A Poem by Mr. Revan

Quick thing to announce myself before probably departing yet again for another 6 years.

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