Tags : Guns

Pop !  Goes the Pigskin !!

Pop ! Goes the Pigskin !!

A Story by Easter3

What is Good Sportsmanship anyway ?
After The End

After The End

A Chapter by PlacidoDi

90 years a.t.e (After the End) Some things never change, and war is the only constant. Why are we still here?
After The End

After The End

A Book by PlacidoDi

"Why are we still here when it's all over?" "What's over?" "Everything."
The Southern Sun

The Southern Sun

A Chapter by PlacidoDi

Like trying to find shade in a land with no night.
Metal Memories

Metal Memories

A Chapter by PlacidoDi

I am a number, I am a soldier, I am ready to die. For a reason.
Gray Eyes, Gray Voice

Gray Eyes, Gray Voice

A Chapter by PlacidoDi

All I have left are my unanswered questions. I've given everything else.
Singing Through The Fog

Singing Through The Fog

A Chapter by PlacidoDi

The real monsters are people.
Where do we hide?

Where do we hide?

A Story by SamanthaGalli

Safety, is something that is surreal. You can try your best to wear the right attire, you can not walk down alley ways at midnight, an..
Trump's Hell-Fire and Brimstone !

Trump's Hell-Fire and Brimstone !

A Story by Easter3

What does it take to be a True Savior ?
Everything's Ok

Everything's Ok

A Poem by The Poet of Black Wings

Everything's ok. Everything is, just fine. Don't mind the cameras. They're for protection, Here to keep watch on the... Undesirables. ..
The Edge

The Edge

A Poem by W.A.S.P

A poem about soldiers and war.
Twin Guns

Twin Guns

A Story by Nathan With the Words

Originally intended to be my July 29th free write, this became an exercise in writing action scenes. My goal was to describe the action so that people..


A Story by Kornez

A 3 part series starting here. This is my montage to a good ol' friend who no longer reviews my stuff.
Caleb Curd Carries On

Caleb Curd Carries On

A Story by Kornez

The second part of this three part series. Enjoy.
Arise Caleb Curd

Arise Caleb Curd

A Story by Kornez

Caleb rises one last time, to fight a menace that is close to home.
Guns Knife Cinnamon Buns

Guns Knife Cinnamon Buns

A Poem by Earl Schumacker

The proper use of butter
Ancient Secrets

Ancient Secrets

A Story by Kerunai

I'm new to the world of Sci-Fi and I am trying to expand my knowledge as well as work on my skills in this area. Cover art is done by Zauberlich @ htt..


A Story by Hunter H.

A very short story about a young man in a bad place.