Tags : Humor

Getting it Down

Getting it Down

A Poem by Thomas W Case

Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRhyjqbFrGI
Bill please

Bill please

A Poem by Jeyanthi

Limerick 😅... you are what you eat.. continues..
Web of Lies

Web of Lies

A Story by Josh Thoreson

An eccentric professor, his student, and a dachshund on an adventure that feels like the love child of Douglas Adams and Alice in Wonderland, conceive..
Not Such a Silent Night

Not Such a Silent Night

A Poem by Thomas W Case

Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucOOifTukWQ
Another Me

Another Me

A Story by S.S.S.EDOKI

A short comedic reflection into an encounter between a middle-aged man and his younger self.
The Tall Flowers

The Tall Flowers

A Poem by Martiya Daman

A Haiku
Fools Mischief

Fools Mischief

A Book by Shalyn

Monty and Delaney, both active in the upper circles of the elite of Skillia, in an unlikely turn of events learn a few of each others secrets, leading..
Love And The Three-Toed Kitten

Love And The Three-Toed Kitten

A Story by Willys Watson

Love And The Three-Toed KittenThe young man entered the livingroom to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Green, the famous comic duo, and the parents of the daughte..
A Curious Case of Cunnilingus Cancer

A Curious Case of Cunnilingus Cancer

A Story by EdgyDad

The awkward, edgy episode relating me learning that my Stage 4 cancer had originated from performing oral sex.
Hanging out with the Muse

Hanging out with the Muse

A Poem by Thomas W Case

Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZptFkj_ezoo


A Poem by Thomas W Case

Here is a link to a reading I did via Zoom in Iowa City. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKnpk9OMWXg&t=25s


A Poem by Martiya Daman

My favorite days :)

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