Tags : GOD

PASSION (April 86)

PASSION (April 86)

A Poem by PoetryofProvidence

You instill in me a chance to dreamto vision things I've never seento love you lazy in the sunin moon beamed forest on a runclimbing to the crest of m..
Not In His Name

Not In His Name

A Poem by Moomin

When God said "You must not murder" - He meant it!
The Plan for Eternity

The Plan for Eternity

A Poem by Stephen Pils

About the conversation between God and Jesus about the sacrifice Jesus must make.
First Contact

First Contact

A Poem by Space Enema

Hi, I’m the Space Enema I would say “Greetings, Earthlings” But I don’t feel welcomed And your species isn’..
Darkest Age

Darkest Age

A Poem by Space Enema

My religion is a god that destroys, Pulls strings and toys, Kills men, women, Little girls and boys My religion is ink and page Sel..


A Poem by Messengeroflove

I know how you feel. Like a million swords have been carefully threaded through your chest squeezing your lungs like there’s nothing left. And y..


A Chapter by kafrinee

Merethyl is nervous throughout the day and later that night someone breaks into her home.


A Chapter by kafrinee

Merethyl has been kidnapped and put in a cage with humans who hate her. They are being taken to Oshuldon to be sold. A strange man interrupts them. Wi..
Willy Nilly

Willy Nilly

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Isn’t it silly, Willy Nilly?You made the stallion,you made the filly,and now they sleepin the dark earth, stilly.Isn’t it silly, Willy Nil..


A Poem by Avia

I feel like I need God right now
Soulless Computer

Soulless Computer

A Poem by Earl Schumacker

Lost in the distance of the soul
What was God thinking?

What was God thinking?

A Poem by Mrudula Rani

Few thoughts on God.
We are Angels, Protect the world

We are Angels, Protect the world

A Story by DarknessAndPassion

This is about how the world can hold evil and sad things.. And how we can change that. :)
Rites of the Sage

Rites of the Sage

A Poem by Anna

God's voice is soft and quiet between the meadow grass;there are ancient books that promise he still loves you.But his words do not rise above dandeli..
Insanity Transfixed

Insanity Transfixed

A Poem by CrimsonHints

My heartbeat’s irratic; caught in the static,Of memories’ past.Lungs inhale dreams, nightmares in seams;Don’t let it last.Believing ..
Truly Unforgateable (I Godda Say)

Truly Unforgateable (I Godda Say)

A Story by Patience

A short, somewhat surreal story, wrought with pundrous word play, plus words that are so epic they haven't quite made it into the dictionary yet.