Tags : Tired

Moved Out

Moved Out

A Poem by Lawryie Mh-Lk

Out of the "world"
The Corner of My Cornea

The Corner of My Cornea

A Poem by Criator

From the collection of “Bodily Observations”
Inflated Air

Inflated Air

A Poem by Annalisa (Marujuust)

Lyrics written sometime in early September


A Poem by Quill

one of those days


A Poem by Julissa Pena

Ever find someone interesting but you also hate them? Its annoying. I found this poem in a journal from a year ago, no feelings resurface, but someho..
News I Haven't Told

News I Haven't Told

A Poem by Juliah B

For those who wonder what it would be like if they took a chance on something and it turned out to be a bad thing. This is a fictional poem and I'm so..
Father, Forgive Me

Father, Forgive Me

A Poem by Linda Marie Van Tassell

I'm tired of thinking, and I am really tired of feeling.
heartbeat thief

heartbeat thief

A Poem by patchwork.boy

stuck like pastewith my heavy frameweighing on the lidsscrewed on blurry becameweights fallingpiano off a buildingheld by balloonsfloating in gildingf..
Data Delivered to Your Inbox

Data Delivered to Your Inbox

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Black lives matter. Me too.Not my president. Give peace a chance.Luck runs out. I like immigrants. Power must be challenged by power. Equal and opposi..
Dog Tired

Dog Tired

A Poem by Kane Hagwood

I’m dog tired Of how your gifts are used Exhausted lines repeated and abused To someone you once admired With a paw I draw the l..
Tired Eyes

Tired Eyes

A Poem by Jeff Bresee

Like a weight full of lead...


A Poem by ells



A Chapter by ae

a tired poem. part of a dictionary challenge that I did for a while.


A Poem by Dave W.

Graveyard is a hard shift to work
Yare Yare Daze

Yare Yare Daze

A Poem by Geotryx Nauzelle

I had a school assignment :/

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