Tags : Heartbroken

rip my heart into a thousand pieces

rip my heart into a thousand pieces

A Story by sedulous_mind

You broke my heart into a thousand pieces. It only takes one day to destroy many years and good memories. Only one day to break long earned trust...
We Lived Again

We Lived Again

A Story by Aeon Thanatos

A man writes a brief letter to someone precious to him.
you are not yourself

you are not yourself

A Poem by rowdydog

tw: lightly implied abuse
male friends

male friends

A Poem by rowdydog

love me wholeheartedly engulf me, don’t part with me give me your attention don’t make me feel sparsely drown me in adoration suffoc..
maybe if i were little again

maybe if i were little again

A Poem by rowdydog

tw: implied abuse my wishes for my younger self
A letter to Cupid

A letter to Cupid

A Poem by Light

A sad poem from a sad person
I try not to think of you

I try not to think of you

A Poem by Lydia Waldock

Post break up poem


A Poem by jaide

TW!!!! this is a poem about depression, obsession and self-harm.
The Uniqueness you so crave

The Uniqueness you so crave

A Poem by Light

A unlikely poem by a heartbound person
My Mouth Is A Steel Beartrap

My Mouth Is A Steel Beartrap

A Poem by Alira

A poem I wrote. Not the best, but it’s something.
Hearts don't heal

Hearts don't heal

A Poem by Siddhiwinayak Sridhar

Heartbreak's result and realisation


A Poem by FlaLover

This is how it feels when your heart is broken
Crown of Shame

Crown of Shame

A Poem by FlaLover

Finally ending a dysfunctional relationship
Let them go, Let it go

Let them go, Let it go

A Poem by Ankit Kumar

Once it ends, it does hurt!You miss the very moments you spent with your sweetheart!It'll never end so easily.You are definitely going to miss them.So..
I Wish I Were a Girl!

I Wish I Were a Girl!

A Poem by Ankit Kumar

Being a gay man in a country like India isn't easy. Every day, I feel how challenging it is to express my feelings to someone I like. Through this poe..

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