Tags : virginia

My Youth

My Youth

A Poem by ajelly

My youth, young, wild blue ridge Virginia wilderness Fleeting experiences, innocent, sensitive and free My youth, naïve, sheltered childhood unsp..


A Book by B. Cardwell

A gang war erupts during a gubernatorial election campaign in Virginia
Bear Crossing

Bear Crossing

A Story by Debbie Barry

Based on a true story from my children's childhood in rural Virginia.


A Poem by A.G. Alvis

She thought about the rolling hills and small valleysilluminated in sunlightand shadowedthe grass was greenthe day was warmnot stickythe Virginia bree..
The Ballad of Kala Medina

The Ballad of Kala Medina

A Book by Seth Armstrong

Kala Medina is a girl who sees ghosts in a town that won't even believe that she's poor.

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