Tags : surealworld

Never Lost Just  Redistributed

Never Lost Just Redistributed

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

Short Humorous story about weight loss.
Vegan Craz At The Beach

Vegan Craz At The Beach

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

Short Humorous Story about a chance in a sharks diet.
 Theistic Evolution Stinks!

Theistic Evolution Stinks!

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

Short humorous story about The Theory Of Creation Evolution.
 Invincible SuperHero

Invincible SuperHero

A Poem by Stephen J. Vattimo

A poem I was inspired to write about a famous artist who seem to have everything but still fell to vises of the common folks that lead to His death.
Confusion In The Water Closet

Confusion In The Water Closet

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

Short humorous story about strange sayings.
I'm Not Living In Stealth Mode

I'm Not Living In Stealth Mode

A Poem by Stephen J. Vattimo

A poem about focusing on what you have to give ,not on what you don't posses.
Thank You ?

Thank You ?

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

A short Humorous story about a play on words.
The Interrupter

The Interrupter

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

Short humorous story about getting caught talking to one's self.
It's In The Code Of Our DNA

It's In The Code Of Our DNA

A Poem by Stephen J. Vattimo

A poem about worshiping a god is in our DNA
Black Sheep Washed Whiter Than Snow

Black Sheep Washed Whiter Than Snow

A Poem by Stephen J. Vattimo

I wrote this poem to help people see that a person's past does not have to dictate their future. No matter how dark that past might have been.
Behind Dark Forgotten Doors And Walls.

Behind Dark Forgotten Doors And Walls.

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

This article is a first hand account of abuse used as a method to control behavior of student at a private school for emotionally disturbed and menta..
EveryThing Is Not Better The Second Time Around

EveryThing Is Not Better The Second Time Around

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

Short humorous story about the effects of having a double hernia.
Do The Elves  build toys or Nike Sneaker

Do The Elves build toys or Nike Sneaker

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

I responded, " So the story of the Elve building all the toys that Sata Claus delivers to the good boys and girl every Christmas is just a cover up st..
Sounds Like

Sounds Like

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

A short humorous story why it would be cool to use to last names when introducing oneself at a meeting.
Happy Meal Toys

Happy Meal Toys

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

A short humorous story about a Happy Meal Toy.
My Little Princess The Movie Star

My Little Princess The Movie Star

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

This is a short humorous story about a would be father's remedy for fending of boys who would try to round third base with his teenage daughter.
Two bags

Two bags

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

A short humorous story about a customer's quick whited- play on words answer to a question asked by a store's cashier.
Cartoon Charactor Or Chippendale Dancer

Cartoon Charactor Or Chippendale Dancer

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

A short humorous story about a customer's quick whited- play on words answer to a question asked by a store's cashier.
The Glory Of A Tree Or A Branch Of A Vine

The Glory Of A Tree Or A Branch Of A Vine

A Poem by Stephen J. Vattimo

A short poem a bout two world vale systems and their strength when they are put to the test.
Windows Of Heaven

Windows Of Heaven

A Poem by Stephen J. Vattimo

A poem to encourage Christians to yield to God's Spirit,not the Spirit of the Prince of The power of The Air.