Tags : squirrel

The Self

The Self

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

What kind of day was it. Cleanthe house. Notice the full moon.Read a sheaf of old poems.Listen to jazz tunes. Open mail.Refuse to make of it morethan ..
Raw Squirrels

Raw Squirrels

A Story by Taylor Martin

The soft, pale green grass blades in this forest clearing were overgrown and unkempt. A few dandelions had chosen to take refuge near a mud-caked boul..


A Chapter by Richard Guimond

Gnomes, in furry squirrels camouflage
Beary Bad and Steve the Squirrel

Beary Bad and Steve the Squirrel

A Story by hpage

A silly story about a bear and a squirrel.
A Hole in the Wall

A Hole in the Wall

A Story by LastMonth

The destination matters. But so does the path. Not achieving the goal you set is not the same as faillure, but perhaps only an interesting twist.
Somewhere They Can't Find Me

Somewhere They Can't Find Me

A Story by A Shared Narrative

You swerve to avoid a squirrel. Unknown to you, the squirrel pledges a life debt to you. In your darkest hour, the squirrel arrives.
Walk Toward Sunshine

Walk Toward Sunshine

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

robin & squirrel inspired by Pryde
The Squirrel

The Squirrel

A Story by #BePositiveWriteNow

Part of the #BePositveWriteNow project
Mr. Bushy Tail

Mr. Bushy Tail

A Chapter by Wendy Seames Garner

I peered curiously into the hollow in the old oak tree and saw piles of acorns. Suddenly, something hit my head, and I heard a tiny voice from above. ..
Just a Squirrel

Just a Squirrel


My Lord, this is your world.Remember me, I'm that squirrel.Nutty as a fruitcake.Let's take view in light of you.Demons I can't do.What is a world for ..
Squirrel Love

Squirrel Love

A Story by OnePage

Ever notice how much love a squirrel holds in their heart? Well, take note, my friend.
Mr Nutkins Squirrel.

Mr Nutkins Squirrel.

A Poem by Onlyme

scran meaning food.
Furry Friend

Furry Friend

A Poem by Onlyme

A chubby grey squirrelsitting on the bird stand.Right in the middle ofour back garden.Surveying his domain.He is a stealer of foodand competes with th..
blue squirrel

blue squirrel

A Poem by Rana Adalwolfa Simon

A quick fun little ditty inspired by this video I saw in my Facebook feed - https://www.facebook.com/kmouis/videos/10216621170269776
The girl in the gown

The girl in the gown

A Story by hasbibiii

...run when you're scared, but make sure you are running from the correct threat

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