Tags : setting



A Story by The Wolfman

The world continues to spin under the tainted sky and eroding earth along the gulf waters, in Carpenter
Inside My Mind

Inside My Mind

A Story by Asigaru

A short trip into the many wondrous stories in my head
In Sheep's Clothes

In Sheep's Clothes

A Chapter by Martijn

A story about a small medieval-like town where nothing ever happens.. until somebody gets murdered. Bard takes a leading role in finding the killer, ..
A quick story at the mall

A quick story at the mall

A Story by The Crow

A piece experimenting with setting
Prologue: Dystopia

Prologue: Dystopia

A Chapter by Raven

Prologue: Dystopia The worst the avenue could offer was the light. Not that it was too brigh..
Smoke and Nails

Smoke and Nails

A Story by Mel Jayne

A camping trip.


A Story by Jordyn

This is just a small snippet I wrote in my journal for fun. :P Still willing to accept criticism though. (: Thanks for reading! Photo Credit: Jakob W..
Alarm Clock

Alarm Clock

A Story by Tati

So I haven't really written in a year, after getting into a self-pitying writer's block funk. This is a first foray back.


A Poem by Lilac Lilies

A free verse poem, if that's what you'd call this poem
Club Havana

Club Havana

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

It's a love poem.

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