Tags : sculpture

Magic of Inspiration

Magic of Inspiration

A Poem by Elaini

Artist's block, and finding inspiration.
purity in affection.....

purity in affection.....

A Poem by Kaa Na Kalyanasundaram

though made up of sandpurity in affectionliving sand sculpture........Kaa Na Kalyanasundaram.
The Chisel of Praxiteles

The Chisel of Praxiteles

A Story by hauriantbearward

A short analysis of what it is seduction and love using Casanova as a reference
To Shape My Sculpture Shall I

To Shape My Sculpture Shall I

A Poem by Nipplegrinder

To shape my Sculpture shall I. Begun with her spark within, Seize it. Place it on bench. Pull the spark wider Knead it. Grind thumbs that carry..
Archaic Torso of Apollo (Rilke translation)

Archaic Torso of Apollo (Rilke translation)

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Archaic Torso of Apolloby Rainer Maria Rilkeloose translation/interpretation by Michael R. BurchWe cannot know the beheaded godnor his eyes' forfeited..
Seraph Sculpture

Seraph Sculpture

A Poem by Red Pill Coyote

The golden meadow was florescent with a citrine hazeShe is the citrine haze hovering above the fields of flowers, fairies, and angelsShe is of celesti..

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