Tags : sci-Fi

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by K. D. Val

She fell, limp, into my arms, causing me to stagger backwards. I didn't understand. I looked up to see Gerard leaping over the table towards a youn..
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by K. D. Val

The door was a pretty normal, white door. It didn't really seem like something that should belong in the afterlife, but rather something that belonge..
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by K. D. Val

I don't like hospital rooms. Not one bit. This one was no different, especially since, for a while, I did not know why I was in there. It took a ..
The Android: A Working Title: Book 1 - Title Not Found

The Android: A Working Title: Book 1 - Title Not F..

A Book by K. D. Val

Douglas Kerrigan, an aging actor, has one thing he wants to do this June third. Unfortunately, he has to sign autographs. Things take a turn for the w..
The Ark

The Ark

A Story by xyriach

The start of a story I keep coming back to...just an introduction or a first chapter that never quite has a follow through...but I'm working on it!
5 - Silence on the Mountain

5 - Silence on the Mountain

A Story by Stories Of Atlas

An adventure takes place far from civilsation
 S Y N T H ae T I C

S Y N T H ae T I C

A Story by HoWiE

A man wakes up in a secure facility with no memory of how he came to be there.
In Fate's Hands

In Fate's Hands

A Book by Rocki-san

Quinn Arleigh is a charming, smooth-talking jack-of-all-trades. Oh yeah, and he's a demon. His newest job is to find the "First Apocalypse". Unfortuna..


A Chapter by Rocki-san

“And they all lived happily ever after.”What a load of crap that was, those stories insinuated that happiness was free, that it was so eas..
"No Title yet"

"No Title yet"

A Book by Observer

A supernatural Sci-fi.Placed in the near future during another cold war.A man betrayed and finds a plot to expand a nations boarders. In search for th..
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by Rocki-san

The train ride to Headquarters not only was long and tedious, but hot and stuffy. One would think that without the sun beating down on us th..
Fearful Mind

Fearful Mind

A Chapter by Observer

A man's struggle to keep his family safe from the world.
A Night Without Armor (finished)

A Night Without Armor (finished)

A Book by Rocki-san

Darkness lurks in every truth, and evil in every shadow, it was a hard lesson but in this life, it was the most essential. Without it, you might not s..


A Chapter by Rocki-san

Three brothers set out on their own in a strange and dangerous world after tragedy strikes their small home and they become orphaned.
Chapter I

Chapter I

A Chapter by Rocki-san

Meet the Noir brothers who're on a mission to find their mother's killer and learn why she was killed. Learn about the world they live in and the uh....
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Rocki-san

The Noir brothers go to Alddell, hoping to find answers or their father but they soon find that he is long gone. Now it's up to them to rid the town o..