Tags : satirical

Lovely Nothings in a little black book.

Lovely Nothings in a little black book.

A Book by Pharaoh

A stolen book now a diary named Lulu . Ms. Anon is her name, she writes about nonsensical things and her cat is pretty involved. He mostly sleeps and ..
Bang Bang Lulu

Bang Bang Lulu

A Chapter by Pharaoh

Chapter one: First diary entry and the beginning of Lulu
My Big Fat Fabulous Fight

My Big Fat Fabulous Fight

A Story by Bailey

Written from the perspective of 2 different characters to add depth
The Gift of Phobos

The Gift of Phobos

A Book by Stefano Segnan

A satire divided in ten parts.
Part I, Creation

Part I, Creation

A Chapter by Stefano Segnan

I. In the beginning Men created ReasonAnd this Reason was without form,And Men said: let it dominate the EarthLet it have its dictate over each season..
Part II, Rule

Part II, Rule

A Chapter by Stefano Segnan

II. And Reason took its solely chanceIn these times of mythic dawns -And created fiction: through wars and finance,Through languages and its pawns -An..
Part III, Reason's Reign

Part III, Reason's Reign

A Chapter by Stefano Segnan

III. And Reason said:”Let there be light "To shed off the illumination of the skiesTo shed away the darkness's plight.”And Reason saw that..
Part IV, Priests of Reason

Part IV, Priests of Reason

A Chapter by Stefano Segnan

IV. Thus Reason birthed an abominable voidAnd released it upon wretched Men to awe:And thus Men hungered and knew not but to gnaw.But the great hunger..
Part V, The Song of the Spirit

Part V, The Song of the Spirit

A Chapter by Stefano Segnan

V.“I am the one that lives and behold,I am alive and alive for evermore;And bestowed unto me are the keys of the HeartA mystery to ripe your gen..
Part VII, War of Fates - II

Part VII, War of Fates - II

A Chapter by Stefano Segnan

VII. Then Reason began to build a house,And the house was a house of HeavenWherein many from the race of Men where lured.And so it came to pass that b..
An observation of a nation

An observation of a nation

A Story by LizzyStone

This piece of writing was written a couple of years ago now, but it was the only thing I had to hand - little outdated by the general feeling is still..
Not Past Twenty

Not Past Twenty

A Chapter by Monica Chen

Sometimes a thought dies on your tongue before you can even recall it.
Controversial: Two Generations of Pro-Life

Controversial: Two Generations of Pro-Life

A Poem by DiskartetHaraya

II love my mother.Twenty years ago everyone told her,"keep that baby".For days she was told,"keep that baby".Otherwise, everyone was cold."Life is goo..
Remotest Battle

Remotest Battle

A Story by rajatthebest

When the reason for a war is a T.V. remote
We Work

We Work

A Poem by Prossnip42

Go there for your rotaThere for your ordersFill up the quotasWe'll bill for you quartersReport to your foremanBut watch for constructionCause if you g..
Senryu: Maidenless (1)

Senryu: Maidenless (1)

A Chapter by Stu. T.H.

Maidenless as I,Still not desperate enough,To write love letters.- Stu. T.H. (November 6, 2023)
Our little Secret(s): Chapter 1

Our little Secret(s): Chapter 1

A Chapter by Stu. T.H.

- Torn page 1 -On the patch of grass so green,There lie two young lasses in between,They share one book under one tall tree,While one giggles merrily...
"Your Hearts have Restored" - A Duolingo Parody.

"Your Hearts have Restored" - A Duolingo Parody.

A Poem by Stu. T.H.

So... I lost my streak recently. And made this.