Tags : ridiculous

George the Giraffe

George the Giraffe

A Poem by Andrew Douglas

This was written on a whim.
Short story of a single man

Short story of a single man

A Story by John

You can never be too careful as a bachelor in today's new world. . .
Sisters, Mojitos, and Staggering Adversities

Sisters, Mojitos, and Staggering Adversities

A Story by LanaAdelina

A brutally truthful interpretation of a drawn out but telling two-minute interaction between an unassuming companion and two sisters who cannot seem t..
His Resume Sucks

His Resume Sucks

A Story by fallen_sueanne

It's hard to help someone that won't take criticism, but will hand it out like candy. It's harder when that person is supposed to be your partner, you..

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