Tags : reverie



A Poem by Amaris Grove

A poem written for a friend who committed suicide.
Just a Dream

Just a Dream

A Poem by ExposedSiren

I almost prefer nightmares...
Sad bonbon diaries

Sad bonbon diaries

A Poem by fattycbreezy52

I felt like sharing it.
reverie of romance

reverie of romance

A Poem by kalyan m

The sensuousness of her bodyIn my mind,The odoriferous of her scalpIn my nostrils,The perch of her maneOn my face,The softness of her skinOn my lips,T..
Living in the Spirit of Words

Living in the Spirit of Words

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

strange inklings into darkness
Midnight Reverie

Midnight Reverie

A Poem by R.S.T

Many of you might relate to this, we always reminisce and imagine things before we sleep, some say it's pointless, some say it's something......Wonder..
Pure Reverie

Pure Reverie

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

Ah! The drift to nowhere!
"What Follows"

"What Follows"

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

and then what?


A Poem by Ufi Auttorri ~ Amy C. T. ..

A poem by Kathrine Louis Frost Hemingway, only slightly edited by us.

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