Tags oregon
Chapter 1: 946.7 MilesA Chapter by Dave WeberThe basketball-playing protagonist prepares for a crucial game vs the team his friends and family wanted him to play for while agonizing over a lack o.. |
Chapter 2: An Addiction, An ExcuseA Chapter by Dave WeberThe character -- eventually he has a name -- is relieved at a victory in a bitter rivalry game, ponders the conflict between his religion, love for hi.. |
Chapter 4: Bang, Zoom!A Chapter by Dave WeberThe main character makes a powerful connection to Anna while at the same time discovering troubling news about his hometown girlfriend from visiting f.. |
I Was Your GypsyA Poem by daninstockholma poem after Mr. Leonard Cohen, mentioning a place or two in Portland, Oregon, my hometown. an adult theater and the Columbia River |
The Day it SnowedA Story by MikahliHow can you know if someone loves you? I could guess, predict, fantasies...but I could never know. Just like I couldn't have guessed that it would sno.. |
The Bundy-onians Are On the March Again !A Story by Easter3Some themes and schemes just don't bear repeatin'....... |
A New BeginningA Story by KrizzyI never wanted to leave this place and, in a manner of speaking, I guess I never will. |
The Air Between UsA Story by Hopeless ThespianThrough the haze in her mind, a demisexual woman fights her own fiction to reach something more beautiful than the Oregon beach she's on. |
Oregon MemoriesA Poem by Andrew AndersonA memory so vivid and so close. Like a tattoo that's with you forever. |
Oregon Coast HaikuA Poem by Gabriel M. CooperBeauty still shines through the daunting and intimidating look of the rolling clouds. |
CalFireA Poem by gabiaimeep.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 1.. |
Portland PostcardA Poem by AnnaThe lavender evening is still climbing down the branches as we speak;the hot tea I stare into is staring back at me with words I could say.And you hav.. |
Jeremy ChristianA Story by Jostein KasseUpon first visiting Oregon I had found it pleasing to learn that the state was considered a liberal state. I wouldn’t have become involved .. |
Man ArenaA Story by Jostein KasseThe title's supposed to be Manchester Arena, for whatever reason it won't allow me to type it. Maybe it doesn't agree with the word chest? |
JCA Chapter by Jostein KasseJeremy Christian was a police-state profileconcerninga British immigrantcreated by Portland police, and in conjunction with the Oregonian news media.. |
Fifty Shades of Old TrapperA Chapter by Jostein KasseOn the day I got out of jail a man fell from the highest peak of Mount Hood. I stumbled back to an empty flat and saw two weeks’ notice attach.. |
Exile from Main StreetA Book by Jostein Kasse- America's brainwashed?! - Their news is as fictive as their TV dramas. |
PhotographyA Book by Jostein Kasse |