Tags metaphor
PaperA Poem by AliceSon13My heart is a sheet of paper Blank. It can be wet with tears and drowned with sorrow Or It can burn with anger and passion. I fold the corners .. |
Snake EyesA Poem by Clyde du CoeurPenned on 29th December 2004. |
You are my pool cueA Poem by D S RollinsA Villanelle. |
Our Tragic HeroA Poem by Ian FarawayA mythical story told in the form of poetry! |
TempestA Poem by Penulis KecilPlaying with another nature poem that has dual purpose as a metaphor. |
I am an egg.A Poem by Naomi RoseღIt's kind of depressing and kind of weird and kind of funny and it's just fucked up XP |
I Guessed Your NameA Poem by MaxCome here to me, my lovely girl,I have not seen you here before.You’ve hair like fire and skin like pearls,What brings you to this lonely shore?.. |
Weeping WillowA Poem by TM "Ree" Tateabout woman; using a willow tree as a metaphor |
Your CoffeeA Poem by TM "Ree" Tatemetaphor...or not ;) |
Life's Buffet (humorous)A Poem by TM "Ree" TateA flip lil piece about life |
AntiheroesA Story by KuuJamzsI could save us. I promise you I will get us through this. All of this jealously and this little nitpicky s**t that has compromised the every growin.. |
Brown M&M'sA Poem by Vela June (or aira isane)school homework/ personal |
Writers BlockA Poem by InyourshadowA murder suicide. Make sense of my mind if you can. |
Chinese Finger CuffsA Poem by ericdebenIt always turns out better when you just relax. |