Tags : marie

Portrait Of a Painter

Portrait Of a Painter

A Poem by Raja

I saw her in the Northern Lightsitting on her chair;her face a sight of silent dreams,half hidden by her hair.In front of her a white canvaswaited to ..
Songbird Eternal (for Marie)

Songbird Eternal (for Marie)

A Poem by Ada

A poem I wrote for my grandmother's 80th birthday.
Oh Marie

Oh Marie

A Story by Vyvalia

A Marie Antoinette Memior. She is my favorite princess and Queen who had ever lived. 😚


A Poem by Emily

Just think of the conversations they could have!
Poor Marie

Poor Marie

A Poem by Emily

Three little children went and played by the stream all day.
Marie's Spring

Marie's Spring

A Poem by Tony Jordan

A senryu In memory of Marie. A wonderful writer and friend to many here. She loved to herald each season with a poem... http://www.writerscafe.org/r..

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