Tags : houston



A Poem by Kailey Danielle

A poem reflecting damage done in and around Houston, Texas, due to the Hurricane and Tropical Storm Harvey that hit in August 2017.
The Beginning

The Beginning

A Chapter by Jessica

Galveston, tx Bridges for promise 1994
Anger is a gift, learn to use it

Anger is a gift, learn to use it

A Poem by WritingMike

Drop your guns, Get rid of your weapons, We know you're the hurting ones. You've got nothing to prove, I know you have the strength, To star..
Multi-Award Winning British Film Director Takes on Houston, Texas with Two New Projects

Multi-Award Winning British Film Director Takes on..

A Story by 1888pressrelease

(1888PressRelease) Acclaimed film director from the United Kingdom, Fragrance Francique, is making waves in the film industry once again, as he takes ..

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