Tags : fragments

Fragmented Waltz (Fragments)

Fragmented Waltz (Fragments)

A Story by Bianca B (musiiquez)

Erio - Fragments (ft. Derek Joel & Q'Alia)


A Book by Mika

the ramblings of a mountain man
Crystalline Heart

Crystalline Heart

A Poem by Ebb and Flow

Scattered across the floor lay the crystalline pieces of my heart. I dare not move, I dare not speak, I dare not break myself further. The pa..
Broken Fragments

Broken Fragments

A Poem by Helen Crutchett

Why did the roses scatterinto fragrant fragmentswhile I was sleeping in dream'stranquil moments?I heard that blue bird song of hopechirping happy mel..


A Poem by aiman.t.syed

A shattered crystalline carpet From my feet to yours. But that is not me Those are not mine. Those shards, Sharp and brittle Are too fragile, M..
An Automatic Experiment

An Automatic Experiment

A Poem by Skelterton

Not entirely psychic writing

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