Tags : epilepsy

Seize Me

Seize Me

A Poem by Allie Miranda

Shake- in my hands. Sticky- messy- Uncontrollable like that Thinned honey is My world- Seized up Dumb down, Blinding me, ..


A Poem by Emily

I was diagnosed with Epilepsy when I was in Highschool, it rocked my world to say the least. I almost died, I've gone through brain surgery. This dise..
1929 -Poem #100

1929 -Poem #100

A Poem by toritto

For my father who never flew; but his children did.I saw “Wings” with my fatherwhen I was young; Best Picture of ‘29like him, splend..
When We Met Epilepsy

When We Met Epilepsy

A Story by Emily Brown

This is the story about how our lives suddenly changed when our youngest daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy.
Shik Nurse

Shik Nurse

A Story by AVphysique

Somewhere between a blog and a famous persons political tweet that uses copy and paste facts
The Monster

The Monster

A Poem by Emily

I have a monster that resides within, This monster thought he had all of the control, Control over my life, my mind, even my family. But that st..
Epileptic Tides

Epileptic Tides

A Poem by Milena Grubor

"Epilepsy can, in some circumstances, be enabling - not just disabling - through the stimulation and enhancement of artistic expression."

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