Tags : devil

Red Crown

Red Crown

A Poem by Red Crown

Against the judgement, I'll value my dreams.
Act 1. Part 3. "... my suspects smolder."

Act 1. Part 3. "... my suspects smolder."

A Chapter by B MacGregor

Guilty. It's only one word, but what a word. It implies so much and seems too certain. It's easy and understood. My suspects are all guilty.
The human's woe

The human's woe

A Poem by Kerrghann The Twisted

A poem for my dead friends. Hooah, Army.
Lux Opus Genesis

Lux Opus Genesis

A Book by Robert Ulysses Wright

In the beginning, there was light, and the light separated the night from the day and he became the first among angels.


A Story by Zack Burton

English assignment. Figured I'd post it. "Rewrite 'The Devil & Tom Walker' by Washington Irving in a modern setting."
With evil on her mind

With evil on her mind

A Poem by Inkcognito

She...the devil's daughter...