Tags : closer

By The Fire

By The Fire

A Poem by Emily

Come sit closer
The Storm Is Alive

The Storm Is Alive

A Poem by Emily

It's getting closer...
Water Never turns to Air

Water Never turns to Air

A Poem by B

The once cherished workings stood dusting the nightWater erasing the sturdy marks of this windAs the estoric night blew us throughAnother rare memory ..
The last day of my teenage days

The last day of my teenage days

A Poem by Peter Anil Mathew

A poem dedicated to my teenage days. I wrote this on the night of June 3rd of this year before I became 20.
Dancing in the rain.

Dancing in the rain.

A Poem by Onlyme

She loved to go outsidewhen it was raining.And dance under its droplets.And feel it touch her face, arms,body, and legs. You could hear her laughing o..

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