Tags : centaur

Stranger of Utopia

Stranger of Utopia

A Chapter by KibaxChan

Muhlsaan had awoken hours earlier after a series of bizarre dreams. The dreams he had were of swirling mists and vague forms, his ponderance broug..
Hunting the Light

Hunting the Light

A Chapter by KibaxChan

Those icy eyes darted around the forest, wary and wired as she crouched about her path. Enola was silent as she crept through the undergrowth; her..
Meet Me in the Woods

Meet Me in the Woods

A Chapter by KibaxChan

Enola led them through the thickets and groves of the deep surrounding forests. She stopped every once in a while to eye Muhlsaan; she expected hi..
Death Awaits

Death Awaits

A Chapter by KibaxChan

The pain was maddening, unexpected, abrupt. He hadn't had a chance of preventing this from happening and never expected Atki to attack him. His ey..


A Chapter by KibaxChan

Atki took a moment to breathe, his willowy frame trembling. It took him a while before he could control his breathing and he opened his scarlet ey..


A Chapter by KibaxChan

“Enola, my dear child... do you think you can save them?” Enola tossed in her sleep, her breathing hitched as a cold sweat dampen..


A Story by Lawrence Kinden

The girl's frustrated with the horse, he just won't behave. The horse's frustrated with the girl for the same reason. [Story Depicts Spanking]

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