Tags : bone

Blood Brothers

Blood Brothers

A Poem by Tim Schultz

When the world takes you over, remember who you were.
What was a life worth?

What was a life worth?

A Poem by Johanna

Okay, so the story behind this is that I watch a lot of crimeshows, and I wrote a poem inspired by a men we often see in thoose kind of shows.. men th..
The Boneyard

The Boneyard

A Story by Nathan Challis

A unsuspecting sword for hire finds death incarnate.
The House of Dread

The House of Dread

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

The house had an evil aspect as It hung out over the street, Casting a permanent shadow there Where the market stalls would meet, ..
Sorrow in my Bones

Sorrow in my Bones

A Poem by Aevum

long poem


A Poem by MADAM

A view on society and how humans prey on humans for sport, often resulting in cruel or self-destructive qualities developing as part your personality...
Chambermaid With Ravens

Chambermaid With Ravens

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

The Aberdeen bus arrives, deposits and boardsthe same people daily. One is the dark-hairedchambermaid at the tourist lodge, awkwardin her print dress ..
Dad's Bark

Dad's Bark

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Dad's bark is worse than his verse.When he hits it doesn't really hurt.The dirt outside the house is soil.The mouse inside the house is life.Can't esc..
Undersky Sleeping, Housekeeping

Undersky Sleeping, Housekeeping

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

In the holy spotwith a sitting rock,an oak. In backyards, shagbark hickory and maple.Ants climb the rock.August, birdscelebrate floweringweeds, the se..
Bone Music

Bone Music

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

1Last night dinnerwith four couplespoints out the difficulties in living togetherand apart. Even theson of a wealthy doctor, disdainful ofineb..
Snake Creek

Snake Creek

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Tired body aches. Long walk on starry night�"ears attuned for bear at creek, or cougar.Nothing, not a doe. But that afternoon..
Supermarket Celebration

Supermarket Celebration

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Supermarket celebrationshoppers are cytoplasm searchingfor cellulose, muscle, photosynthesis.Oils, petrochemical and vegetablelove: faith and trustfor..
Simon & Garfunkel "The Boxer"

Simon & Garfunkel "The Boxer"

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

lie, lie, lie!


A Poem by G. Coleman

No art I’ve found more beautiful,More elegant,Or ominous,Than that which I witnessed,Being carved into that bone.Flakes were sanded,Scratch..


A Poem by Marie

An overly-friendly dog...
All the Worlds There Are

All the Worlds There Are

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Just watching raindrops slapping leavesis better than anything requiring electricityincluding fame and posterity. Mondaymorning I walk over to the art..