Tags : Vegan

the road to extinction is paved with good intentions

the road to extinction is paved with good intentio..

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

I just can't keep my paws out of the fire


A Stage Play by Ddraper

Set in an alternative world where Humans are grown and bred for consumption, opposed to animals.
Feeding the cat.

Feeding the cat.

A Poem by openmind

I'm vegan, and in a moment of feeding my cat pieces of chicken, feeling conflicted, I found inspiration to write this.
Dead eyes

Dead eyes

A Poem by Teal Moon

Suffering of a lifetime
Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect

A Poem by Lexi Hammond

My boyfriend asked me to write something focusing on rhyming because I never do that and this is what came of it.
Fairy Tale in the modern world.

Fairy Tale in the modern world.

A Story by mattefox

3 different fairy tales set in the modern world, with some animal rights undertones throughout.


A Poem by enssi

'i can't stand meat' say the ones who touch kiss embrace the meat beneath them 'i avoid meat' say the..
Easy Money

Easy Money

A Story by Royce

Short story, about true life experiences. Kind of a weird one.
Counting Sheep

Counting Sheep

A Story by Moomin

A little girl's encounter with monsters, but they are not animals
Ding Dong Ditch Vegan Style

Ding Dong Ditch Vegan Style

A Story by Stephen J. Vattimo

A Humorous look at a prank being done vegan style.
Chickpea Flour Tofu and Tofu Soy-free  (Vegan)

Chickpea Flour Tofu and Tofu Soy-free (Vegan)

A Poem by lyricvixen

lean something new to eat - hopeful i will get to make it work out ...
   Precious Lambs and my Epiphany

Precious Lambs and my Epiphany

A Story by Rev Edward McClelland

My long journey to the truth.
From Halal to Vegan to Cheat Day: Mexican Food with a Modern Twist

From Halal to Vegan to Cheat Day: Mexican Food wit..

A Story by 1888pressrelease

(1888PressRelease) Sugar Land Ori’Zaba’s is the perfect place to grab a bite.
A Goose's life.

A Goose's life.

A Story by Rev Edward McClelland

This is a work of fiction, though I do gather my ideas from caring for and interacting with my geese that I rescued.

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