Tags : Synomenia

Virgin Queen

Virgin Queen

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Aedric's group begins their real life chess match against Helio's minions.
Caged Bird

Caged Bird

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Syndi, the youngest sister of the late Queen Eioldth, arrives in Westmark with her parents, the King and Queen of the Losasidhe Elves.
Mouth of the Beast

Mouth of the Beast

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Carn confronts the demon Mazzikim’ruhin.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Yesh tells the Watchers about some major changes he has in mind for Synomenia and Flux.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

The battle with the demon-possessed Dragon in the Underdark continues
Victor's Spoils

Victor's Spoils

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Aedric's group enters the private quarters of the mad wizard Helios
Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Alleania is pursued by the demon-possessed Dragon as Carn races to help the Drow Matron.
Living Sacrifice

Living Sacrifice

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Carn encounters the demon-controlled Dragon for the final time.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

The struggle with the demon Mazzikim’ruhin reaches a deadly climax.
Lynch Mob

Lynch Mob

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

In the Clearing of the Ages, the Faesidhe people react to the destruction of the great Faesidhe Tree.
Blood Oath

Blood Oath

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

While hunting for blood, Alleania encounters someone who will change her life forever.
Brave New World

Brave New World

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Deborah takes Sophia and her friends on an aerial tour of the new Flux.
Second Chances

Second Chances

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

The Underdark group reunites and prepares to leave the underground world.
A Voice in the Darkness

A Voice in the Darkness

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Carn recounts the story of his life to Mutt.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Carn deals with the repercussions of sharing his tale.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Amala has a long talk with Carn
Aggressive Stance

Aggressive Stance

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Returning to Tarmard, plans are made to end the threat from the Southern Empire.
Practical Magic

Practical Magic

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Princess Syndi learns all about the applications of Practical Magic from Muld.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Sophia lets Joila in on a secret as both ladies fear for their addiction to Dart'loxinchu
Offensive Maneuvers

Offensive Maneuvers

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Muld is brought before the Queen of the Lossasidhe