Tags : Speech



A Story by Sunkissed Circus

When we studied the Invisible Man in english, I related to the feelings of invisibility; just in a different way.
Future aspirations

Future aspirations

A Story by Haim Kadman

An imginative plot that tries to assume the P.L.O leadership next move.
Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

A Poem by Rachel Landes

A poem that plays with the game we are all playing.
Channel Perfume

Channel Perfume

A Poem by Rachel Landes

On the subject of Parallel Worlds
Scellotape Wings

Scellotape Wings

A Poem by Rachel Landes

About a Fallen Angel
The Introvert (Based on a speech by Susan Cain)

The Introvert (Based on a speech by Susan Cain)

A Poem by Naomi Bloom

A song about introverts and society. Inspired by and based on the speech "The Power of Introverts" by Susan Cain, who wrote the book Quiet.
Freedom of Speech?

Freedom of Speech?

A Story by PherociousPhoebee

An essay about so-called freedom of speech in the U.S. and how it has been restricted... written when I was sixteen, going on seventeen.


A Story by Fauna

Today I feel an irreversible pain. Any nobility I once possessed has been taken indefinitely. On the date we were meant to wed, my goddess, my J..
swelling daydream of the moon

swelling daydream of the moon

A Poem by feelslikesublime

practicing the rant style poem... ranting about the natural grace and celebration in free speech but how it's stifled and confined in society... schoo..


A Story by Will

A man's last moments


A Poem by Will

Just speak!
Damien's Poem

Damien's Poem

A Poem by Aerial Perez

A poem from the perspective of an original character named Damien. (More so a speech)


A Poem by Mason Rayburn

If what I said Could reach you today, I wonder if You would have been swayed. If wrongs were righted And old wounds healed, Would good over..
Key Note Speaker Honor--Speech I delivered

Key Note Speaker Honor--Speech I delivered

A Story by Constance Payne

Post graduation I was honored to be ask to give a speech as Key Note Speaker. This are the words I shared...


A Poem by Mason Rayburn

So much meaning in so few words.