Tags : Shadow

The shadow

The shadow

A Book by Alyssa Boyd

Aly's life starts to get weird after her mother's death, she starts getting stalked by a strange shadow and her father starts acting suspicious.
Why me?

Why me?

A Chapter by Alyssa Boyd

Aly starts getting used to the suspicious shadow that lurks in her path.


A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Alone with time left still, afraid to dream, for it can kill. Your shadow's your only friend, and everything else so hard to comprehend.
The Curtain Call

The Curtain Call

A Poem by Radioactive

We stay in the shadows of the stage, while another dancer leads the way
The Zone II: Rebirth

The Zone II: Rebirth

A Book by Psynexus

In the aftermath of his journey to the Chernobyl NPP in the center of the Zone, Virtue returns to find that he and every Stalker in the Zone are under..
The Zone: Life and Death

The Zone: Life and Death

A Book by Psynexus

A man struggling to provide for his wife finds his last hope lies in the Zone of Alienation surrounding the site of the 1986 Chernobyl ecological disa..
JVL: Chapter Three

JVL: Chapter Three

A Chapter by r

Awaking, the way the sun shone into her small den signaled that it was well past sun-high and into the evening. With a full belly..