Tags : Sail



A Poem by Vidushi Sharma

"Because nothing can stop a will......."


A Poem by paul sal.....

Sail into the wind upon times ocean, teaming with life as your ark searches for ..
Rivers of Gold

Rivers of Gold

A Poem by gabiaimee

one of those nostalgic sorta times....
Ship Graveyard

Ship Graveyard

A Poem by Dorothy in Wonderland.

I wrote this absolutely years ago, it was just a thought going through my head that blossomed into a picture.
The Long Wait

The Long Wait

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

She sat and stared from the window ledge, She sat and stared at the sea, Was sitting all through my childhood there Since Eighteen fi..


A Chapter by Merry Tyler

Elisabeth sets sail from France, heading for New France.
Gypsy Rose

Gypsy Rose

A Poem by MrsKittyKat

A Poem about a Beautiful Pirate!
Something great has now begun

Something great has now begun

A Poem by Raja Anjana Kothapalli

A poem on 'Love at first sight.'
Westward Sailing

Westward Sailing

A Poem by Kieran Hamilton

Based partially on the tale of Elwing from Tolkien's The Silmarillion.
Holiday, Day

Holiday, Day

A Poem by Healing Star

February, the crocus and the tulips come up, and its a beautiful Holiday.
Ne'er The Sparrows

Ne'er The Sparrows

A Poem by Anna

Sparrows dive ahead of the sweeping Indian breeze,as native sails fly golden hues of sun swirling on black cotton.Ne'er has there been a more beautifu..


A Poem by RMR

Tell me what you think
The Starboard Lullabies; Ahead

The Starboard Lullabies; Ahead

A Poem by Anna

He pulled the gentle tide up to his chest,a warmer blanket of shell and sea froth.Harbor ships dipped; creak and moan,calm slept beneath where he hid ..
Tales Of The Gone

Tales Of The Gone

A Poem by Anna

Arctic winds howl into the glow of feathery moonlight,we cry white crystal snow, we are still only stardust.The ship's bow dips into the ice of a cold..


A Story by gw257

Then it happened, those grey gaunt figures like ghosts protecting the underworld. We just watched and they watched us, too afraid to move or to speak ..
The Salish Gypsy

The Salish Gypsy

A Poem by Misterr Remeat

Sigh...If I only had a boat