Tags : SF

A Street Lined With Text

A Street Lined With Text

A Poem by Spencer Barker

From the children's stray,it is from whence they play.But now encompassing night makes a pass,in those who wonder for when it shall last.Houses illumi..
5.         Landing on the star

5. Landing on the star

A Chapter by E.Ray

Tim gave up to slumber, with every blink of his eyes spaceship was sliding down, slowly swaying in waves. For several days it was gliding in..
6.	Everything was a trap

6. Everything was a trap

A Chapter by E.Ray

“Merry!” nor whispered, nor shouted Tim, while waking the girl. When the spaceship reached an asteroid and children feet made the fir..
7. Gathering the light

7. Gathering the light

A Chapter by E.Ray

Since long ago, Tim was brooding over this question, how can be that now, when every youngster has his own spaceship, there is something inevita..
The Mirror

The Mirror

A Story by Frank Moore

Amid rising safety concerns a new virtual reality technology is poised to change the world, but at a cost.
The Red Dogs

The Red Dogs

A Story by SFCynic

This is just the introduction of an idea I had. An attempt to see if I can write *anything*.
Living Space

Living Space

A Book by PeterRKelly

In the bleak future of the 29th century, humanity has colonised much of the solar system. But it was corporations, not nations, that took us there.
Joey's Ordinary Journey

Joey's Ordinary Journey

A Story by jonnyraxa

Joey finally decides to face his fear and skips the bus to walk to work, embarking on a journey he would have never expected to have.
General Zod Conquers the World

General Zod Conquers the World

A Poem by jake aller

five current poems starting with General Zod conquers the world which is an SF nightmare. I dictated it using Microsoft dictation program which does n..
The simulation department

The simulation department

A Story by werehamster

My first ever short story. Hopefully it will make you smile. English is not my first language but somehow this story felt right in this language. Than..
Mergs (or Why Godot Can't Come)

Mergs (or Why Godot Can't Come)

A Story by Victor D. Lopez

This is one of 13 short stories last published in my Echoes of the Mind's Eye collection (c) 2011, 2021.

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