Tags : Robots

Issue #2

Issue #2

A Chapter by Brytt

Comic Issue Two: War efforts increase, Introduction of Jax


A Story by Tabitha Third

Tobias is trapped. He's willing to start anew, but good intentions are no good when you're trapped in a tower. Smithy, too, is trapped. Set in a s..


A Chapter by Solaris LeRouche

Remember who you were, GET KOKORO!
Issue 1, Part 1

Issue 1, Part 1

A Chapter by Unused Bagels

Malcolm Smith, Vivien Winter, and Ronald James make their debut in this issue. This starts a couple of pages in, but I have those pages on another co..
The Earth Comes Reeling, The Curtain Calls My Name!

The Earth Comes Reeling, The Curtain Calls My Name..

A Poem by AHHHHHHHH! Heath.

I force myself to write late at night,I deceive myself in thinking it’s when I write the best.So many thoughts race through my mind,So many lies..
Technomode Limited Online Preview

Technomode Limited Online Preview

A Chapter by Joseph Serrano

When a mining vessel is stripped from the sky over international waters, an elite team of Mech warriors are sent in for Android destruction.


A Story by Heather Clayton

What the hell, Trach thought. I'm alive, hehe.Not that it mattered any. Surrounded by robots wanting to kill you was the least of his thoughts.They do..
The Adventures of Love

The Adventures of Love

A Book by vintageromance96

A girl must find her parents and realize her true self.


A Story by Ginger IN The Sky

It had to be a movie moment. Those times when things either go perfectly wrong or so terribly right that you can’t make it clear in your mind, a..
Arok (The Golems of Astaphor)

Arok (The Golems of Astaphor)

A Book by Mark11

In a post-apocalyptic world where humanity is struggling to survive after a terrible war, one troubled girl makes a startling discovery and uncovers a..
Critical Core

Critical Core

A Book by Alec Kajn

Nothing is greater, she said, than love...
I'm the Illusion

I'm the Illusion

A Story by THE Super Hero

Just a short ambiguous story to get your creative mind thinking about the possibilities.
Augmented AI

Augmented AI

A Poem by Leighton Henry Crane

One by one they marched in unison, muddying the sea with clouds of sand.Laser guns set to fire; the drones ascended from the waves.Ripping children f..