Tags : Pursuit



A Poem by Maddy Stillman

Pursuing happiness.
Capture Me

Capture Me

A Poem by stargirljenn

Capture me like you are capturing a moment on film. Capture every bit of me, what you can see and what cannot be seen. I want to be captured by you a..
Buntings and Tanagers in my dreams

Buntings and Tanagers in my dreams

A Poem by Patricia Wedel

Landing in a pile of feathers...
Beyond the Gold

Beyond the Gold

A Poem by Ms. Twitch

Inspired by the people who said no.
The Prince's Heart the Devil's Mind

The Prince's Heart the Devil's Mind

A Poem by UndyingWyrm

Guarding my steps lighting my way,In hopes I'll find you one day.Knowing this romance will never endevery hour we continue to bend.Given a life most w..
Excerpt: Justice and Fortitude

Excerpt: Justice and Fortitude

A Story by N.D. Reed

Vuk took a sizeable swig from the mug of ale in his hand as he quietly listened to the Tavern Owner’s story. It wasn’t the most tantalisin..
Sneaking Desires

Sneaking Desires

A Poem by Satish Verma

The pursuit of a rainbow in the tiger sanctuary.


A Chapter by Peter Rogerson

Constance must have something on her mind to react like this at night...
Pursuit of Happiness

Pursuit of Happiness

A Poem by SeemsPoetic

Locked inside Feeling left out Living life but life's locked out Hopes and dreams Love and laughter Here for moments then gone so lon..
The Mist

The Mist

A Poem by PatrickPink

I've worked a lot of night jobs. This poem describes how surreal it can be walking home alone late at night.
A Mild Inconvenience

A Mild Inconvenience

A Story by Operation: UGAWTS

Very Short Story inspired by Emily's Twitter post.
The Sailboat

The Sailboat

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

The Sailboat The way to Silver Island is a long boat ride. The journey is turbulent as the golden sea’s waves are high. ..
Undying DREAMS

Undying DREAMS

A Poem by Quill

somethings might prove to be eternal

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