Tags : Okay

Red Rose

Red Rose

A Poem by LetMeLoveYou

Inspired by my best friend. I love you girl


A Poem by A Poet Named Garit

Facebook post from a couple weeks ago
It's Okay

It's Okay

A Poem by Follan

She told me she loved me.. She said that I was her only I believed her.. Stupid me She drove me mad yet I still stayed by her side But in ..
Changed Apocolypse

Changed Apocolypse

A Book by Madi

Brenna is a 16 year old girl who's parents are madly in love, and couldn't be more happy of their little girl. She grew up in a small town in Alaska, ..
Golden Rays

Golden Rays

A Chapter by Madi

Buck Store Leonardo Da Vinci

Buck Store Leonardo Da Vinci

A Poem by avant security guard

the truth that ails me
Unknown Love

Unknown Love

A Poem by Linneadam

1.Pretending that you are okay isn't the solutionAnd running away doesn't solve anythingLife is hard but everyday you will learn somethingUnknown futu..
Beauty In Disguise

Beauty In Disguise

A Poem by Evan

Beautiful In Disguise You bat your eyes,You smile that smileI want to see those wordsI haven't heard them in a whileKiss those lips, See that face,Jus..


A Poem by MelLM

If we hid from the thunder If we ran from the hand that never quite touched us Fear would have taken over And all would have been lost If our f..
All the Boys Who Love Me

All the Boys Who Love Me

A Poem by Maddi Snowden

There’s a boywho only tells meI’m beautifulafter he’s smoked a joint.He cares about his family and carsbut says I’vesqueezed i..
Untitled No. 4

Untitled No. 4

A Poem by Maddi Snowden

Ever since that serpent of a smile slithered across your lips, I’ve wanted nothing more then to be the reason it twists..
I Was Beginning

I Was Beginning

A Poem by Maddi Snowden

I was beginning to thinkthat no one could love me.That I was a broken collectionof confusing paradoxestoo nice, too meantoo lonely, too socialtoo shal..
Untitled No. 5

Untitled No. 5

A Poem by Maddi Snowden

I have forgotten yourfavorite song on yourfavorite album but Ican still rememberthe way your song likebreath hit everynote on my lipstained neck.(M.S...
Incase You Needed To Know

Incase You Needed To Know

A Poem by Maddi Snowden

You are a rare breed, anindividual who needs to knowthat there are cracks in your smileand a wall around your heart.And someday someoneis going to see..
Untitled No. 6

Untitled No. 6

A Poem by Maddi Snowden

He is a rare breed.A cross betweenbroken promises,forgotten letters and anoverwhelming sense ofcuriosity.He is a consistently inconsistentperson with ..
The Universe

The Universe

A Poem by Maddi Snowden

Do you think thatthe moon ever gets lonely when hethinks about the countless soulsstaring up at him wondering if theirother half is doing the same and..
Untitled No. 7

Untitled No. 7

A Poem by Maddi Snowden

It takes 21 days tobreaka habitor so I've been told.It's been 20 since our lips lasttouched and I can't think ofanything else except youreyes and the ..
Untitled No. 8

Untitled No. 8

A Poem by Maddi Snowden

I am not a poet.I am simply a girlwho's had too much to drinkand spilled far too much ink.(M.S.)


A Poem by Maddi Snowden

And so desperately in the wonderful, occasionalprocess of rainthey recognized each other quietly.They did not see each other aswhat theyused to beor w..