Tags : Lonliness



A Poem by CrystalMoon

im so alone
Chasing Safety

Chasing Safety

A Book by Nick Peugh

After John loses his wife, he spirals, feeling partially to blame for her death. But when her sister calls after three years, a chain of events is set..
The Raven

The Raven

A Story by Alexander Krzyminski

A first-person story of a mentally-challenged boy/man who most come to understand death, and the friendship he makes with a bird.
The Pink Magnolia

The Pink Magnolia

A Poem by V-C-L

In this poem, i talk about the anguish i dealt with sitting at home waiting for just one phone call from her while she was out drinking and partying.


A Poem by freelancejouster

there's not much wrong with standing aloneexcept for that lonely,miserable feeling that will encompass you from time to time.if you can claw your way ..


A Story by Edmund Jonah

An Americal girl seeks adventure in Paris - and, brother, does she find it!
People change

People change

A Poem by Joseph LaBarge

i knew this girl oncewho would always write these poems about loneliness.never really understood it,until now.one day,she hung herself from the vacanc..
So What If I'm Single?

So What If I'm Single?

A Poem by (☞゚ヮ&..

The poem for those unlucky with love, or with no love at all.


A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

The air I chocked on tasted of bitter salt
My Only Hope

My Only Hope

A Story by Sahar moonlight

I smile. This smile that hides beneath it a deep pain that can't be expressed by words. I smile. This sarcastic smile about that heart that didn't..
Secretly... Shades of Blue

Secretly... Shades of Blue

A Poem by anne p. murray- LadeeAnne

Cries in the wind...Seem to whisper her name Darkness falls, swirling at her feet Why she asks...Did she lose at love?She w..
Grass Stains and Laughter

Grass Stains and Laughter

A Poem by Kelley Quinn

@font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-famil..