Tags : Inlove

oh, Lover.

oh, Lover.

A Poem by Nia

The pain i feel today written in real time about toxic words in the air.
Grateful Progression

Grateful Progression

A Poem by Bonnie

23% of my thoughts on this subject typed.
True Love

True Love

A Poem by Lost_Soul

Is it new love? True love? Or am I imagining things?
Defeated by love

Defeated by love

A Poem by Sam

This is a time I felt defeated by love. Sometimes you meet someone and its so powerful they make you drop your guard completely and suddenly you are r..


A Poem by Sam

High on love.


A Poem by Angeliki Largatzis

If love could ever be so simple, we'd never have to worry.
"The Feeling"

"The Feeling"

A Poem by Shineheemi

when feelings is already enough for you to move forward for another day.
Hello Love!

Hello Love!

A Poem by Brenda Alicia

A love so sweet..between you and me.
The crescent of her smile.

The crescent of her smile.

A Poem by 3ashig al reem

It can't be described but with poetry.


A Poem by ten

I'm not born for casual, I was made to love your entities and write poems about our proximity.

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