Tags : Individuality



A Poem by Leslie Marie

I'm so strange, that I do anything, when others cannot do. I'm so strange that I think, when others have already thought. I'm so strange that..
Who's the mommy of utopia? or When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.

Who's the mommy of utopia? or When an unstoppable ..

A Chapter by Fictari

In which utopia is pondered, the nature of madmen with guns is simplified, and the first ever Pygmalion Festival of the Arts ends with a string of lie..
Stars Falling From Heaven

Stars Falling From Heaven

A Poem by Philosopher

Expresses ideas on religion, spirituality and the individual. It's open for your own interpretation. Just starting with writing interest, and this is ..
Moorish Friday

Moorish Friday

A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

A description of what we do on the Holy Day


A Poem by Ben Ashelford

Put that red light upon your thoughts.For they really aren't your own.Read those magazines that tell you who you are, how to dress, speak, act and lov..
A Surfeit of Light

A Surfeit of Light

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

A Surfeit of Lightby Michael R. BurchThere was always a surfeit of light in your presence.You stood distinctly apart, not of the humdrum world,a chari..


A Story by Fiona

Marking the beginning of her reign of individuality, of separation from those around her, Jamie buys a new pair of shoes.
Dead Society

Dead Society

A Poem by Lena Rossmore

They call it a democracy,A theocracy,Evenaristocracy.I call it Mediocracy.Because in this day and ageYou dont control what you think and say.Two plus ..
Inspired by Marilyn Manson

Inspired by Marilyn Manson

A Poem by RomAnna

A found poem based on lyrics and quotes by Marilyn Manson.


A Poem by Danielle Nicole

Sometimes, you must fall to find yourself in the crowd...
Fucked Up Freedom !!

Fucked Up Freedom !!

A Poem by Beyondpoet

Are we manipulated by the mass, or do we have are own individuality !! If, YES, then why is there conflict all around the world. Why were there more ..
What Do You Want Me To Be?

What Do You Want Me To Be?

A Poem by LetMeLoveYou

Perfect. Smart. Beautiful. Pure. Caring. Kind. Supportful. Rolemodel. Funny Popular. Normal. Quick. Sharp. Attentive. Quiet. Helpful. Good. Innocent. ..
Entry 02 - Upon Reflection

Entry 02 - Upon Reflection

A Story by Turtle

6th November 2012
This One

This One

A Poem by Kenneth L. Hamilton

Some social commentary for the underdogs in all of us.
Clipped Wings

Clipped Wings

A Story by Kenneth L. Hamilton

As we grow older, the world begins to lose some of the magic we once loved. Sometimes, it's good to hold on to those childhood dreams.


A Poem by Kenneth L. Hamilton

What does it take to reach greatness?
Scream Signals

Scream Signals

A Story by Deeper La'jik

A mixure different ideas including Lower levels of consciousness, Holy War, Passion, Real self, Ideal self, Cognitive error, Growth, Self- actualizati..