Tags : HummingBird



A Poem by Leviathus Fortes

Walk in a straight line No, that's not my style You can be like the other sheep Or rather, in a herd of cattle Mindlessly you roam But you'll a..
Courtship & Copulation

Courtship & Copulation

A Poem by Arthur Henn

My eye's love all elements of nature.
The Attack

The Attack

A Story by Kat

A true story from my childhood. Something scary at the time but funny now.


A Poem by Amy R

Hummingbird aka Bird of Paradise...
The Leap

The Leap

A Chapter by Wendy Seames Garner

That was no hummingbird! I couldn't believe my eyes...instead I saw a dark haired beauty dressed in what looked like amber flower petals.

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