Tags : Homework



A Poem by Rilind Dragoshi

This is what I end up thinking about when I have no time to write.
Zombie High

Zombie High

A Book by frakkevin

Brand Jefferson, like many, knew High School was a scary place: Teachers, Homework, Jocks, Cheerleaders, Peer Pressure,many of the horrors of these es..


A Poem by Harrisen Viator

I'm literally doing whatever I can to not have to write this research paper...
Excuses, Excuses

Excuses, Excuses

A Poem by Rita L. Sev

He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. - Benjamin Franklin
I do not think that they will sing to me.

I do not think that they will sing to me.

A Poem by Miss Lillian

A piece of homework for creative writing, taking a line from TS Eliot's poem 'The lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock' and using it as a leit motif create y..
A day in the life

A day in the life

A Story by Joseph Cooper

A first hand account of school from the eyes of a elementary school child with ADD.


A Story by Vian

True story about the unending terror that another human once inspired in me.
If The Seasons Could Talk

If The Seasons Could Talk

A Poem by Shayna Joyce

~What is October to the month of June? I can always spy her condescending eye Holding up a far more desirable moon Looking forward to tho..
Algebra Homework Help Made Easy

Algebra Homework Help Made Easy

A Story by Mark Cooper

This article gives detail information on algebra homework help and how its benefited students as well professionals to resolve their algebra problems.
Today's Education

Today's Education

A Poem by lilrissriss

Literally all of my anger towards today's public school systems written in rhyming stanzas.
Nineteen Minutes to Bedtime

Nineteen Minutes to Bedtime

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Jack just had a big fight with his son Zach about it. He saidI'm tired of hearing how you're too tired to do your homework. You'renot too tired to pla..
The Reading

The Reading

A Poem by Joe K

An assignment from my creative writing course in college. One of the (surprisingly) few times I have gotten to combine my passion for music with a cre..
Wed, Dec. 7, 4:50 pm

Wed, Dec. 7, 4:50 pm

A Chapter by Kayla G

Cheaters never win and winners never cheat . . . but that doesn't mean Callie won't at least make an attempt!