Tags : Hawk

The Summer Noosphere

The Summer Noosphere

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Wet nights, warm days are what we want in the summer noosphere.Man's mind one with weather.If this is true, life is good, or will be good.Can I be enc..
Chambermaid With Ravens

Chambermaid With Ravens

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

The Aberdeen bus arrives, deposits and boardsthe same people daily. One is the dark-hairedchambermaid at the tourist lodge, awkwardin her print dress ..
This World of Dew

This World of Dew

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

I see a green tree. It is all I want.A dry rocky mountain and a hawksatisfy. To die spiritually inthe hot sun and the body go onclimbing. To take the ..
The Dark Green Conifers

The Dark Green Conifers

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

another day in the woods. on Strawberry ridgelooking out over undulating green hills tothe next great wall of mountains. the lastmorning clouds left f..
Cosmo's Moon

Cosmo's Moon

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

The only problem with 'Moonstruck'is Cosmo's moon could never be so large in winter,stand for luck.Mid-winter sledding brought joysnow, speed, althoug..
When Peg Laughs Like Liz

When Peg Laughs Like Liz

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

When Peg laughs like Lizdeep woman-hearted laugheating beef jerky on Mesa Verdethe good hearts and smarts of womencome back to me, not guessingany bet..
Bone Music

Bone Music

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

1Last night dinnerwith four couplespoints out the difficulties in living togetherand apart. Even theson of a wealthy doctor, disdainful ofineb..
Snake Creek

Snake Creek

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Tired body aches. Long walk on starry night�"ears attuned for bear at creek, or cougar.Nothing, not a doe. But that afternoon..


A Poem by Karan Ashara

Nature is the only best friend we have. She is the mother of all whose love is like the universe which does not end.
Under Mummy Mountain

Under Mummy Mountain

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Aspen, ponderosa pine, blue sprucepink glacier-cut rock, scree, ravensgray jay, peregrine falcon, hawk.We climb to 11,000 feet in three days,camp at L..
The Midnight Hawk

The Midnight Hawk

A Book by Nirmala Alba

A city that needs protection. A girl that seeks redemption. The Midnight Hawk is born. This is her story.
Haiku 8

Haiku 8

A Chapter by LonelyWanderer

Sultry summer noon Everywhere calm and quite- The cry of a hawk.
Tis a Liar's Tongue That Dies

Tis a Liar's Tongue That Dies

A Poem by Stephany Robles

A strange poem about a snake, rabbit, and a hawk.
To Go On

To Go On

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

If you see a hawkon a bough at field's edgebeyond the corner you should have turnedmaybe it's a sign to go on.Such as during an improvisation onFlamin..
Bonfire Holiday

Bonfire Holiday

A Story by Debbie Barry

A group of teens have a bonfire camp-out to celebrate the Fifth of November.


A Poem by Samantha Tamburello

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} span.s1 {font-kerning: none} you ..